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The Nayaraq Method

Nayaraq offers innovative train-the-trainer workshops and forthcoming online modules focused on empowering community-based NGOs to implement our storytelling methodology into their everyday practice. Our workshops are designed to improve community agency and engagement with existing NGO programming through a gender lens. We offer various modules and an official Nayaraq Storyteller certification, as well as more in-depth consultations, as described below.

Introduction to Oral Histories & Storytelling

Storytelling is a transformative tool for social change – it can be empowering to storytellers, critical for organizations looking to serve or supply communities they don’t yet understand, and valuable for NGOs hoping to better represent their work to potential donors. 

How can storytelling help transform you or your organization?

Ethics of Responsible Storytelling

Asking people to share intimate details of their lives comes with some strings attached, including disproportionate power dynamics and risk of re-trauma. 

How can you reap the full benefits of storytelling while maintaining an empowering, reciprocal relationship and atmosphere?

Storytelling Methods for Vulnerable Populations

We all tell stories in different ways, and the communities we work with do, too – questions of literacy, vulnerability, and comfort level may require innovative activities to encourage openness and honesty, including PhotoVoice and forum theater. 

What techniques can you leverage to create an empathetic environment for sharers and listeners alike?

Community-Led Change

Now you’ve heard the stories from the community members and have an idea of how they see the world and their greatest challenges. 

How can we leverage participatory storytelling to identify what can be done about it and develop an action plan?

Production & Presentation  

Storytelling has been an impactful way for you and your community, and you want to share the great work you’re doing with the world, including existing and potential supporters. 

How can you turn the stories you’ve gathered into something others will find compelling to consume?

Monitoring & Evaluation

You’re convinced this was valuable, but aren’t sure how to communicate the impact in a way that rings true for others, including members of your organization as well as potential donors. 

How can you prove these workshops worked so you can keep holding them again and again?

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